Monday, February 19, 2007

Blizzard 2007

SNOW SNOW SNOW! FUN! FUN! FUN! Here are some pics from Blizzard 2007, all types of crazy things happen when it snows for 24 hours straight! We had fun being snowed in for 2 days and hanging around the house, plus we snuck out for a bit and had some fun with the truck! I got A LOT done for school, having the two days off was great for me to get caught up on the things I usually postpone until later. We got the apartment almost finished, painting-wise." We also had our familys over to watch LOST and play our new board game "Apples to Apples" which is hilariously funny! It is a lot better while drinking, but since we are about 40 days into our 90 day sobriety punishment we had to stick to cokes and water! It was fun to have my mom, dad and brother and Jonathan's parents over, and especially enjoyable since I KICKED BUTT in the game!

Family over for some Apples to Apples action!

Playin in the Snow!

This is how I found Jonathan napping one day!


Gracie said...

what is this 90 sobriety thing about??

Jess said...
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Amanda said...

90 sobriety what? What's going on Jess??? How are you by the way? I miss you tons....I don't think this whole continents apart thing is working! xxx