Monday, May 15, 2006

Gran Prix

Me and Kelly (front row), Amanda, Kelly, Destri and Shrock.

GRAN PRIX did I forget to post about it! Oh my what a wonderful day at Breakfast Club! Me and my girls dressed up as a drinking game (which we sucked at btw) and we double-fisted screwdrivers until we were slobberin and speaking jibberish. After an hour in line, we spent our day at Jake's and Stacks and I was completely drenched in beer and who knows what by 2:00, but of course I didn't care! After some breaking out into a random dance party at Stacks and some lovely conversation at the fire station we headed home to Amanda's place around 5. I puked, passed out and woke up to discover Amanda snuggling with a wild squirrel! It was such an amazing day....and the pictures sure "show" some memories I will NOT remember least I have the picture to try and use my imagination!

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