Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Fourth of July

For our Fourth of July weekend, Krystal and I headed up to Jennie's lake cottage on Lake Wawasee for the day. We spent the day anchored out at the sandbar along with about 200 other boats and drank the day away. It was an awesome time as usual, music blaring, kegs on the back of boats, and just hangin out withs tons of random drunk people. After a day out in the sun, we headed in to get ready for our nightly festivites. We boarded the new boat belonging to "The FROG" (a bar up there). The trip was set up similiar to a booze cruise with alcohol and dinner. Then to end the night we watched fireworks from the boat. Everyone had docked their boats around the lake so there were boats everywhere. The fireworks were even synchronized to music! It was a great time, and it was nice to get out on a lake for awhile!


"I am Jesus"-Krystal Featherston

1 comment:

Gracie said...

where are you woman?!?!? That idea looks kinda familiar....hmmmmm....