Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Entering the real world

Yep that's right, I am entering the real world! I got a call saying Bon Air would like to hire me as the new third grade teacher! Yep you heard me, my dream grade just what I wanted, THIRD! I interviewed in beginning of July for seven positions around Kokomo Center Schools. It was a TERRIFYING interview with FIVE (yes FIVE) principals. I was sooo nervous, and I have a hard time with interviews because I have a hard time bragging about how good I am! Anyway, they told me they would contact me for a second interview to look at my portfolio. ( Did I mention over 100 people applied for those seven positions? Yah so they had a lot of weeding out to do) Anyway a few weeks later, I got a call, no second interview Bon Air just wanted me! I was so excited I forgot to ask all the important questions and had to call back human resources the next day. I was pacing back and forth with excitement! The catch is it is temporary for the entire year while the other teacher is on her second year of maternity leave. (Don't ask me how you can stay on maternity leave for TWO years) But maybe she will decide to stay home with the kids and I will get to stay. Anyway I am just excited to get started, but the room is COMPLETELY BARE and needs TONS OF WORK!!! So don't expect me to have much of a life for awhile!

1 comment:

Gracie said...